- We installed new network cabling based on the map given to FFT by Boston Beer.
- We utilized the existing IT cabinet, added an additional cabinet, demoed the current network cabling, and installed new cabling along the provided cable pathways.
- We used surface-mounted boxes and wall-plates respectively, depending on the location of each drop.
- We used plenum Cat6 network cable since it is in an open-air environment.
- We provided new patch cabling, new patch panel, new network cable, new jacks, and new cable management.

- The Truly LA taproom features a small stage for presentations as well as live band and DJ performances. The main loudspeakers and subwoofers are mounted to the roof trusses above the left and right down stage edges. In addition, small fill loudspeakers were installed at the left and right sides of the stage. A recessed connection panel in the upstage wall provides patch points for microphones, stage monitor loudspeakers, and a video input.
- In addition to the stage audio system, a series of 70V loudspeaker were distributed along the ceiling for background music playback during non-stage events.
- A 3x3 (9 screen) video wall comprised of 55” LCD displays was installed in a recessed niche at the upstage wall and a secondary large format LCD display was installed adjacent to the bar for signage and other in-house video needs. A small video over IP system distributes presentation and production video content to the in-house displays.
- Four remote controlled robotic cameras were installed to provide views of the stage, audience, and bar mixology area for in-house distribution and live streaming. A small production video switcher facilitates camera switching.
- An AV control touch panel was installed adjacent to the bar area to provide staff control of audio sources and levels, video sources, and system power.